Values. Mission. Vision
Invest in #digital
What do we strive to achieve?
The main vision of Digital4Bulgaria is of a leading organization in the development of the digital industry in Bulgaria which is creating an added value for the community and which is contributing to the digital transformation of business.
Who are we?
Digital4 is a foundation that is trying to promote digital technologies and the development of the digital industry in Bulgaria. We organize different initiatives in support of business and education. In the network of events, Digital4 are getting together leading specialists, entrepreneurs and digital enthusiasts who are creating new business opportunities and appropriate environment for exchanging valuable knowledge, experience, and ideas.
What do we believe in?
• Innovation • Sharing knowledge & Ideas • Community/Partnership
• Entrepreneurial spirit • Success • Business transformation
• Motivation, Inspiration, Enthusiasm
• Business Networking • Professionalism (high standards)
Digital4Bulgaria is a way to communicate! Communication with lecturers, specialists, and colleagues! Communication with clients and partners! We strive to create and maintain an atmosphere in which we help our participants to find new acquaintances and business opportunities. We welcome communication! Join us! You will like it!
More our initiatives
Starup World Cup Bulgaria is part of the global Startup World Cup Tour and Competition taking place in 40+ countries. It will be the main exclusive qualification tournament before the big finals taking place at the end of each year in San Francisco, California.
All countries where the competition takes place will qualify and send to the finals one winner who will compete for the big prize of 1 000 000 USD
5 countries in StartUp World Cup Balkans 2024 will select their finalist on June 14th, 2024 in the city of Sofia and we have the honor and pleasure to invite you to be a participant, guest of partner of this major event…
D4 Investment Shop is a new starting point for personal development and business development. We created the D4 online store with the main goal to stimulate the personal and professional development of the members of our community.
With every purchase in D4 Investment Shop, you invest in us and give us the opportunity to create even better initiatives and events.
Through it you will be able to access current ticket prices from Digital4 Events, Fan Products and Digital Services and products provided by our leading speakers and specialists.
The Digital4 Investment Shop includes:
– Fan products and materials;
– Tickets for conferences, events, etc .;
– Digital products and services.